
Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our over all beauty, health and wellness. You feel better, look better, not to mention people who get more sleep tend to have better eating habits, eat less, and move more. Here are my top 5 tips on how to sleep better.

1) Stress less: Stress not only contributes illness and ageing, but also will take away precious sleep time. Meditation is a wonderful way to combat stress and give you a sense of calmness as well as writing out any thoughts, or worries before bed.

2) Take a hot bath: Boosting your body temperature will help you get to sleep faster; to maximise your relaxation, add 2 cups of epsom salts which helps relax your mind and muscles, preparing you for a good night sleep.

3) Sip on camomile tea: having a cup of camomile before bed is soothing and calming which can really help you sleep. It contains glycine, which relaxes your muscles and nervous system which can act as a mild sedative.

4) Load up on V6: Consume plenty of foods rich in vitamin B; to help make melatonin and seratonin which help promote sleep. Reach for foods like tuna, turkey, halibut, salmon, sunflower seeds, bananas, avocados, and spinach.

5) Unplug: Turn of your Tv/ computer, or smartphone at least 1 hour bed. Electrical appliances stimulate your brain and will keep you wired.

Try to aim for least 8 hours of sleep a day or if it’s shorter night try to find 20 minutes to just have some quiet time and switch off. When you feel fresh you look fresh, when you feel worn out, you look worn out. Get your beauty sleep!

Ashley xoxo