Enjoying your own company is not only good for you mind, body and soul, but it also helps shut out negative chatter, boost confidence, and get you closer to your goals and dreams.
Here are 5 ways to enjoy “You time”
1) Keep a journal: Write out dreams, thoughts, goals, & gratitude’s. The best time is first thing in the morning or right before bed. Make a habit to do this daily, which will cultivate creativity and personal transformation, helping you unlock your inner potential.
2) Digital Detox: Keep your bedroom a phone free zone, or try to turn it off at least an hour for bed every day. Silence enables us to reconnect to who we are.
3) Meditate: Meditation has a profound, rich and calming effect on the human body and is said to clear our minds and advocate feelings of peace and a sense of awareness. Making a daily habit of meditating will have a postitive effect on your life, as well as help you feel better, live longer and look younger.
4) Go for a walk: Walking boosts endorphin’s, clears the mind and combats fatigue. If your feeling frazzled, anxious, or worried, take a few breaths, and walk it off, it will help calm you and clear your head, naturally.
5) Get some solo space: Make time for YOU, whether it’s booking a massage, tucking into a good novel, or enjoying a bubble bath; improving the relationship with yourself, will improve relationships with others as well.
Even just 10 minutes a day of self care and self love, will make you feel more balanced, joyful, and peaceful which will have a positive effect on the work and relationships in your life.
Ashley xoxo