
We all come to a time in our lives when we feel stuck, lost and bored. Work, day to day life or a relationship may have lost its spark and doing something new, and exciting could be the key. Reinventing yourself will help you discover who you are, what you want and help embrace your qualities. A few things to ask yourself and get you closer to the most fab version of you:

If you knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you dedicate your life too?
By removing fear and failure from your vocab and adding daily affirmations to your life like “I am creating my dream role, I am Healthy, I have the perfect home “the more you say it, the more you feel it, and the sooner it will become a reality. If it helps write it on post it notes or get a bright been and write inspiring quotes on your mirror.

Would you put all your time & energy into if money were no object?
Most people who have followed their dreams, have found ways to overcome their financial constraints. They save up, get a loan, or apply for a grant. By taking money away from the picture, it will get you closer to your dream.

If you don’t care about others thoughts, would you feel more confident?
Confident people are authentic, not afraid to express themselves and live by their own rules. Don’t compare yourself to others, focus on your qualities and try to improve on your weaknesses, nobody is perfect. Weather it’s getting that promotion, losing those extra 5 lbs, or starting your own business. Just believe in yourself and you can do anything you put your mind too.

Tip: Replace negative talk with positive affirmations. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, reverse it to say something positive instead. So “I feel unattractive” becomes “I am beautiful”.  It may not feel believable at first, but repeat the positve mantra regulary and you’ll begin to see yourself in the new light.

First thing in the morning, I jot down in my big journal, a morning positive thought, intention or mantra, write out a realistic ” To Do list” and three things I am grateful for.  I started doing this september 2012 and found it had a profound effect on my life. It not only gave me a sense of clarity and contentment but it also boosted my productivity and positive out look for the day.  By dedicating your time and energy into self belief, self love and self care, you will feel more happy, joyful, uplifted, peaceful, postive and loving. Life is for living so find your way to be the most fab, beautiful, authentic version of you and remember loving yourself isn’t vanity it is sanity.

“It’s easy to overlook all of the things that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfilment  It’s not just the food you eat, but all of the other factors present in your daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual awareness are essential forms of nourishment. When these “primary foods” are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary”. Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Ashley xoxo