imageAlthough I implement high quality nutrition into my daily lifestyle, I am always learning new ways to upgrade or improve it even more. I have recently been learning more about the ayrevedic way of eating. “ Ayurveda is a health care system that is complementary and alternative medicine originating from India over 5000 years ago to help optimise health and wellbeing.”  It takes an holistic approach  to combat any imbalances in your body; in order to reach your full fabulous potential, you need to figure out out what ayurvedic constitution you are, so think about your physical, mental and emotional state; what resonates with you the most, when you are feeling healthy, well and happy. As it is means “science” or “knowledge of life” its approach is making sure your mind, body and soul are connected and in balance, if one is off than it can causes problem’s in another area’s.  For example, if you are super stressed, or on the verge of burn out, this could induce digestive problems, such as ulcers, or on going stomach pains. I am really intrigued by the philosophy as it addresses the root of the problem and issue rather than symptoms and side effects. Before reaching for pills and prescriptive potions, it looks at your constitution, and your imbalances with your mind, body and soul.

Dosha overview


Balanced: Happy, energetic, vibrant, enthusiastic, clear, active mind, creative, adaptive, imaginative, innovative, sensitive, talkative
Imbalanced: Weight loss, over active, restless, physically tired, weak, anxious, bad memory, and nervous energy.


Balanced: Content, happy, enjoys challenges, sharp mind, focused, bold, witty, intellectual, strong digestion, glowing complexion

Imbalanced: Aggressive, competitive, critical, demanding, perfectionist, angry, irritable, impatient, hair loss


Balanced: Family oriented, affectionate, loving, loyal, compassionate, forgiving, stable, relaxed, slow, and methodical, good memory, good stamina,

Imbalanced: Lazy, inactive, dull, oily skin, slow digestion, lethargic, possessive, over attached, tendency to over sleep, and over weight.

My dominating dosha is vata with some pitta tendencies, and even before learning about the ayurveda ways; how I feel balanced and imbalanced was absolutely spot on. In fact, it’s a very similar concept I learned in nutrition school, about primary and secondary foods, primary foods refers to the inner state of mind and body, making sure those are all balanced and secondary foods was the food you actually eat. If the primary are off, than most likely health, weight, skin issues all arise.

The great thing about taking the ayurvedic approach is that no one size fits all, by addressing your health concerns, imbalances, modifying your diet, adding supplements, and taking time off to reconnect with your self, will help combat ageing, illness, pain, weight gain, as well as improve your mood and memory by boosting your body to a balanced state from the inside out.

To learn more about the ayrevedic approach, and find out what dosha is go to:

Ashley xoxo